A CamelBones::NSRange object represents part of a series. It has two properties: location, which describes the index at which the series begins, and length, which is the number of items in the series. Both are unsigned integers.
- getLocation()
- Returns the value of the location property.
- getLength()
- Returns the value of the length property.
- setLocation($newLocation)
- Stores the value of $newLocation in the location property.
- setLength($newLength)
- Stores the value of $newLength in the length property.
- setAll($newLocation, $newLength)
- Stores the value of $newLocation and $newLength in the location and length properties, respectively.
- $hr = getHashref()
- Returns the range data as a reference to a hash with keys 'location' and 'length'.
- $ar = getArrayref()
- Returns the range data as an array reference. Properties are stored in the array in the order location,length.
- $isEQ = NSEqualRanges($range1, $range2)
- Returns a true (nonzero) value if both location and length properties are the same for both ranges, a false (zero) value if not.
- $range = NSIntersectionRange($range1, $range2)
- Returns an NSRange that covers the intersection of $range1 and $range2. If no part of $range1 and $range2 overlap, the returned range has a length of 0.
- $isIn = NSLocationInRange($loc, $range)
- Returns a true value if $loc falls within $range, false if not.
- $range = NSMakeRange($newLocation, $newLength)
- Creates a new NSRange structure with the specified properties.
- $max = NSMaxRange($range)
- Returns a number 1 greater than the maximum value in $range.
- $range = NSRangeFromString($str)
- Creates a new NSRange structure from the string representation in $str.
- $str = NSStringFromRange($range)
- Returns a string representation of $range
- $range = NSUnionRange($range1, $range2)
- Returns all locations in and between $range1 and $range2.
NSRange function and method arguments
Naturally, a function or method that is declared as taking an NSRange structure as an argument will also take a CamelBones::NSRange object. However, a hash or array reference may be passed as well, as illustrated by these examples:
# Create a CamelBones::NSRange object my $range = NSMakeRange(0, 5); # Returns zero my $isEQ = NSEqualRanges($range, { location=>5, length=>5 }); # Returns nonzero my $isIn = NSLocationInRange(2, [0,10]);
NSRange return values
Cocoa functions and methods that are declared as returning NSRange structures will return CamelBones::NSRange objects to Perl.